International Journal of Social Policy & Education

ISSN 2689-4998 (print), 2689-5013 (online)

DOI: 10.61494/ijspe

Postgraduate Studies in Greece in 2011 and 2016: Universities and Fields of Study

Vasilopoulos Andreas, PhD.; Gkiza Theodora; Gkounela Konstantina


The current paper reviews the changes in postgraduate studies in Greece in terms of fields of studies and universities for the years 2011 and 2016 -the first and the last year for which information is provided by ETER, thus allowing comparisons to be made with the situation in other countries. The study captures the changes in a rapidly developing market in Greece in the beginning and the peak of the economic crisis. It establishes that the number of students who chose to continue their studies at postgraduate level increased significantly over the years. The distribution across different institutions as well as the hierarchy among the different fields of study have also changed for the years 2011 and 2016.