International Journal of Social Policy & Education

ISSN 2689-4998 (print), 2689-5013 (online)

DOI: 10.61494/ijspe

The Social Responsibility Levelamong Faculty Members Atal-Quds Open University - Salfit Branch as a Model

Dr. Ameed Ahmad Bader


The researcher aimed to identify the social responsibility level of Al Quds Open University professors / Salfit branch. An analytical descriptive approach has been used due to its suitability for study purposes. The researcherhas been using the comprehensive survey method for university professors (Full-time, part-time), totaling (46), where (46) questionnaires were distributed to them, and (40) of them were retrieved, which is almost accounted for (87%). The questionnaire was divided into two main parts, the first section contains personal information, the second section dealt with a set of questions that clarify the level of social responsibility of university professors. The consistencyof questionnaire paragraphs has been confirmed through the use of split-half method and Cronbach alpha coefficient. The study came up with several results, including: That the level of social responsibility is not affected by a university professor experience due to the clarity of meanings and related issues, and teachers are not required to teach and give their students practical experience because it is clear. It can be taught easily, especially as all formal and parallel education methods feed into the development of social responsibility, and that academic degree or academic qualification, which held by the faculty member provides him with scientific knowledge in teaching subjects, and qualifies him to play his role to the fullest.Consequently, the level of this qualification, as the results indicate, does not affect the nature of his role as a faculty member,especially since the issues of social responsibility that people live in their daily life, which makes it easier for them to perceive and practice them. The researcher recommended the necessity of participating in scientific activities of faculty members (lectures and seminars), which contribute to raising the level of community awareness and importance of social responsibility concept, and strive to fight negative customs and traditions that hinder social responsibility in society.